INSTANT ambitions
Looking at it in retrospect, I wanted my career to be manifested in an IDEAL JOB! It’d give me the opportunity to produce INSTANT RESULTS, while I’d still have the ability to work LESS THAN 8 HOURS. By instant results, I mean fame, glory and respect. By less than 8 hours I mean 2-4 hours per day spent working, while the rest would be »perfect« off-time. With the wrong mindset and too abstract goals from the beginning, I got to work 16 hours instead. And almost maniacally, I tried to force an outcome. Through a very long and painful process I came to a realization: fame, glory and respect don’t mean anything - especially if we don’t learn how to first respect ourselves.
In contrast to the INSTANT DREAM that society wants us to strive for, we should not be looking for an IDEAL JOB or a PERFECT TIME-OFF. Instead, we can try to actively participate in finding and maintaining a LIFE BALANCE. As I’m wrapping up my 16 year freelance journey, I know now that instant results never stick. I’ve learned that only regular investments can lead to any sort of growth. And each day I see that only by not forcing can we start to receive.