
Creativity and Meditations

On Pause from Writing
(but not from Creativity & Meditation)

What’s holding you back from living a happier life?

What’s the thing that’s holding you back from living a happier life? What’s the demon that you feed daily? And what does a »happier life« mean for you? As a creative, my happiness goals have a lot to do with quenching the thirst to express myself. So far, I’ve approached my pursuit the only way I know how – by making the artistic process and output my career; my bread and butter. So does living off being an animation designer help funnel that creativity out? It should, right? But for me, the answer is no, and it’s a hard realization that I’ve come to fairly recently.

”we limit ourselves by using a system of self-built presumptions about ourselves”

Most of us go into our days with certain expectations, but from the get-go, we limit ourselves by using a system of self-built presumptions about ourselves as a stepping stone for personal success (like: I'm slow at learning, I'm not patient, I get overwhelmed easily). And even though they hold us back from progressing, we let these limitations define us and let them shape our view of ourselves. That's self-sabotaging perfection. As far as creativity goes, I’ve discovered my biggest and most limiting presumption about myself is, that I don’t know how to express myself in any other way than with client work or time-consuming personal projects. We hold onto our security blankets and use our whole arsenal to keep us stagnant (»no one cares, your thoughts and ideas are not good enough, you’ll be judged«). But presumptions are just that, presumptions. We can all (and should) move past them and prove to ourselves that we are more than the sum of our defense mechanisms.

“I know that change is possible through practice”

I’m committed and determined that I won’t allow my long-standing views (of what & who I am, what I can & can’t do) limit me any more. They’re my own, so I get to change them. I know that change is possible through practice - I experience that daily via meditation and post-meditation. If I need to create and express myself, it’s exactly what I’ll do.

Rather than continue limiting myself with who I create for and expecting a different outcome, I will be creative for myself and for anyone receiving this radio transmission. Because I want to be happier. So I may want to share some silly thoughts on robots, bunnies and meditation with you in the near future. I may also want to jump into sharing some space & science related inspiration or animation design tips. And I definitely want to continue sharing stories. In any case though, since this is new for me and waaaay out of my comfort zone, this journey will be wrapped in a thick layer of ongoing personal improvement. Thank you for being a part of it and I hope to see you here again sometime soon.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!


Thanks for being a part of this.