
Creativity and Meditations

On Pause with Writing the Blog
(but not from Creativity & Meditation)

Don’t Wanna DO THIS Anymore …


Most of the times, it’s so much easier to quit,
than starting or persisting with positive habits.

Once in a while, the shittiest day comes.
Or a brain-destructing hard one.

We hit pause on all self-expectations,
and switch to auto-pilot.

A river doesn’t stop at an obstacle.
It carves out another path.

Our practices and good habits
should always persevere.

Regardless of the challenges.

It’s the hardest times that shape our character,
and the harshest winds that help us to blossom.


I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday
― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People