
Creativity and Meditations

On Pause with Writing the Blog
(but not from Creativity & Meditation)

The HEROES we Deserve.


Many of us get entangled in our personal narratives.
Believing the truths about ourselves that we seek to validate.

»My life unfolds like this.«
»This is who I am.«

We often see ourselves as the unsung heroes of our tales,
yearning for the world to sing us the ballads we deem deserving.

Yet each of us is not only our present selves,
but the imprint on the world that we leave in our path.

Writing a gratitude journal daily unveils that path overview,
recounting short stories that define our essence.

(We often find humor amidst sadness.
Compassion and tenderness.
And blessings that we can be thankful for.)

A gratitude journal helps us find versions of ourselves that we cherish.

It helps us see that we already embody the heroes we aspire to be:
the unsung heroes that require no ballads in their honor.


To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, How to Love