
Creativity and Meditations

On Pause from Writing
(but not from Creativity & Meditation)

It only takes ONE.

We anchor our habits to form a basic personality from very early on. It’s a process where our subconscious pre-programs responses that worked for us in the past. That curated selection of responses become »us«.

By the time we grow up,
we subconsciously react to 95% of our life,
while we consciously act in only 5%.

Understanding that it’s only those 5% that we have a direct, helms-on-effect on, can seem scary. But at the same time, it gives us a parameter for decisive action. By consciously working to change even just 1% - those changes will seep down into our subconscious, influencing the rest of those 95%. But how?

We can re-wire our brain and influence
how we experience life

Discipline and structure can provide the groundwork. Creating structure defines parameters within which we want to find more freedom and growth. Discipline on the other hand, helps trace progress. Once these tools are harnessed, does that mean we can be »free«? Well, no - but we can start and learn to see more often where we’re not free, offering us at least an opportunity to change. And via continuous discipline and structure – we can stay on the path to become a better version of ourselves. 100% of the time.

Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

― James Clear, Atomic Habits