Clean Install: OURSELVES, 2.0.
As adults and professionals, personal change is greeted and accepted only when the world changes its requirements enough to force us to adapt or search for coping mechanisms to re-integrate and service better. Within those shackles - becoming an established personality is society’s expectation and standard. We assimilate by developing a story entitled: “I am the way I am”.
Buying too much into »I am the way I am« forces us to invest more and more into proving to everyone (including ourselves) that the story lines we tell ourselves are true. But they ARE just stories – and because it’d hurt if we’d let them »fall apart« and feel vulnerable, we rather stand behind them until our bitter end. Instead, we can ask ourselves: where can a constant fine-tuning of the same old song really bring us?
Let’s be honest – singing slight variations
of the same tune won’t make it any catchier...
Updating the same software to infinity cannot help us reach our peak. At one point, like a program, we reach a limit: it’s the highest we can climb by clinging to ourselves in our updated version 1,999. Only by being willing to de-install and start a new journey to find our own 2.0 version, can we soar - not only to reach our peak, but to see there’s other mountains as well. And sometimes, it’s only by gaining oversight, that allows us to decide which climb is actually worth pursuing.