
Creativity and Meditations

On Pause from Writing
(but not from Creativity & Meditation)

Why Meditation isn’t right for You

Life is pretty busy already. Adding another activity to the list of things you want to tackle daily sounds like a horror show. You definitely don’t have the time. Spending those few precious off minutes to sit down and do nothing sounds really stupid. And wasteful. You maybe feel you also just don’t have the patience to sit and wait for Godot. Nor the discipline, because come on – you’d have to practice every single day?! Having that much time means people must be slackers, or actual monks. The benefits of practicing meditation may sound great and all and you may have even dabbled with the idea of giving it a go at one point, but you just really don’t want to disappoint yourself by again starting something new, that you won’t be able to follow up on. So because of the time, the patience, and the discipline that you feel you don’t have, plus because of fear of failure: finding motivation to start meditating just feels like a dream. And you definitely don’t have time to dream.


Those are all valid points. Which is exactly why you should gift yourself with meditation. Let’s take a snapshot of a possible future, taking special notice at the mentioned obstacles: you have learnt to be more present - because of it, you have harnessed even more productivity and find yourself having more quality time. You have gained discipline by feeding your mind with proof that you can show up every day. Experience has taught you that good results can never be instant. Your patience has grown by practicing daily. Instead of swimming against the stream, you have found more power in your conscious actions by learning how to let go of things you have no power over. You joyfully witness how daily practice slowly seeps into your daily life and the lives of the people you care for. You have also recognized that fear and thoughts are just a process that enfolds on its own. You wisely choose what you engage with. You feel more. You live more. You are the embodiment of progress. And you’ve long since realized that all the reasons why you didn’t meditate are now the exact reasons why you practice it daily.

I just love this quote and come back to using it often:

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day
– unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.

― Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon