There’s no treasure at the end of the rainbow. And that’s ok. self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicNovember 17, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, approach, mindsetComment
Where is David Lynch when you need him? self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicNovember 12, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, David Lynch, film, guru, heroComment
Brain, creating stories for us to defend. self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicNovember 3, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, change, beliefsComment
Level up on self-worth self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicOctober 27, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, change, self-worthComment
How puking for 6 hours at the Montreal airport helped me enjoy life more self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicOctober 19, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, change, travel, pukingComment
We're not robots. Smile. self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicOctober 14, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, change, meditation, smileComment
The Difference Between »Feeling« And »Being« OR: Don’t Feed It If You Don’t Want It self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicOctober 5, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, change, meditationComment
Learning to Let Go + Boosting your Creativity self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicSeptember 28, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, change, meditationComment
How to create a personal value system (& that third monitor was probably overkill) self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, inspirationMatic GrgicSeptember 24, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, change, values, value systemComment
How Mars getting its rings (in 50 million years) connects to career pivoting self-improvement, animation, design, creativity, fear, inspiration, books, astrophysicsMatic GrgicSeptember 17, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, career, change, mars, universe, rings, planetary rings, dune, future, astrophysicsComment
#11: Ready, set, GO! What’s the goal again? self-improvement, animation, design, practice, books, creativity, fear, inspiration, passionMatic GrgicSeptember 8, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, happy, defense mechanisms, limitationsComment
How to listen to other people? self-improvement, fear, listeningMatic GrgicAugust 31, 2021growth, self-improvement, animation, design, listening, dentist, wisdom teeth Comments
What’s holding you back from living a happier life? self-improvement, animation, design, practice, books, creativity, fear, inspiration, passionMatic GrgicAugust 25, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, happy, defense mechanisms, limitationsComment
How has your attitude towards your holidays changed throughout the years? self-improvement, holidays, passive, practice, prioritiesMatic GrgicAugust 17, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, animation, design, habits, holidaysComment
Is there anything better to do than watch TV? self-improvement, practice, tv, prioritiesMatic GrgicJuly 20, 2021growth, self-improvement, changes, covid, animation, design, tv, habitsComment